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E, ovako treba... => Oprema => Radio stanice... => Temu započeo: mossi 02, 03, 2011, 16:57:23 posle podne

Naslov: Podela radio stanica po ICOM-u
Poruka od: mossi 02, 03, 2011, 16:57:23 posle podne (

| PMR | Marine | Amateur Radio (Ham) | Receiver / Scanner | Avionics

Znači nama treba stanica iz druge kategorije MARINE, a može da prodje i PMR.


PMR / PBR - Private Mobile / Business Radio can deliver highly cost effective business communications. Icom have applied their technical expertise to excel in Private Mobile / Business Radio (PMR / PBR). Just as there are many areas of business, there are also many types of two-way business radio. Icom make business lives easier by providing a comprehensive range of PMR / PBR handheld, mobile, repeater, system and now Digital Private Mobile Radio (DPMR) products to satisfy a variety of customers needs.

Ova vrsta radio stanica ima odlične finansijske efekte u poslovnim komunikacijama. ICOM je primenio tehničku ekspertizu u primeni PMR/PBR radio stanica. Koliko je poslovnih oblasti, isto je toliko tipova dvosmernih radio stanica. ICOM čini život lakšim, predstavljajući veliki izbor PMR/PBR ručnih uredjaja, repetitora, sistema a sad i Digitalnih PMR uredjaja da bi zadovoljio sve potrebe korisnika.

Jedan od predstavnika PMR klase je i IC-F3162/F4162 uredjaj

512 kanala sa mogućnošću skremblovanja
5W izlaza
14 sati rada

PDF fajl: (



Marine Radio The most important aspect of communications equipment is maintaining the balance between advanced Radio technology and human interaction; we refer to it as the MMI (man-machine interface). Years of dedication have produced a range of Marine VHF, Marine HF and Marine UHF radios that are unsurpassed for quality, excellence and reliability. Technical superiority and quality workmanship are renowned Icom Marine Radio hallmarks.

ICOM radi nekoliko kategorija ICOM MARINE uredjaja

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