Autor Tema: motori "force"  (Pročitano 5904 puta)

0 Članovi i 1 gost pregledaju ovu temu.

Van mreže IKA

  • Tisa
  • Kapitalac Dunavski
  • *******
  • Poruke: 1902
  • Pol: Muškarac
    • trenutno bezimen
  • Brod tip: samogradnja-Ika design-zetovo vlasništvo
  • Marina: Tisa-9km,desna obala,šesta vrba od mosta
  • Veličina: 6,5m
motori "force"
« poslato: 15, 03, 2010, 11:25:18 pre podne »
ljudi treba mi pomoć
dali neko zna majstora za američke  Force motore
Brat mi kupio bajliner sa motorom " force" 125 ks pa ako neko zna nešto o njima pomagajte

Van mreže Kapetan

  • Administrator
  • Drekavac sa Srednjih voda
  • *****
  • Poruke: 16692
    • Ypsiolon
  • Brod tip: Aloa 23
  • Marina: Nautilus marina
  • Veličina: 7 m
Odg: motori "force"
« Odgovor #1 poslato: 15, 03, 2010, 11:35:48 pre podne »
izgleda da je mrka kapa za te motore


About the company:
The Force Outboard brand was born in the early 1980's when US Marine, the parent company of Bayliner Boats, purchased the old Chrysler Outboard factory and tooling located in Hartford, Wisconsin. Bayliner was the first nationwide company to introduce packaged outboard rigs in which the outboard motor, the boat and a trailer were sold as a single item. Arriving at dealerships fully assembled, these packages were great timesavers for dealers that previously had to custom rig bare hulls with specific engines and accessories chosen by the boats' buyers. Although Force Outboards lacked the technological sophistication of the major outboard brands, their price advantage was significant. Thousands of families discovered their love for boating through these inexpensive Bayliner entry-level outboard boats. In the mid-1980's US Marine was acquired by industry giant Brunswick Corporation (Mercury, Mercruiser, Sea Ray, etc.). The Force Outboard brand quickly benefited from the resources of its big brother Mercury, and all production was soon moved to Mercury's plants. Force Outboards became available on boat brands other Bayliner at dealerships nationwide. The changing marketplace, diminished price advantages and pending government regulations resulted in the decision to discontinue the Force brand in 1999. Parts and service have become more and more difficult for Force owners to find since then.

imas ovde neke tips and tricks

Van mreže STG

  • Drekavac sa Srednjih voda
  • ********
  • Poruke: 2739
  • Pol: Muškarac
Odg: motori "force"
« Odgovor #2 poslato: 16, 03, 2010, 08:39:56 pre podne »
Sta treba uraditi na motoru?

Van mreže IKA

  • Tisa
  • Kapitalac Dunavski
  • *******
  • Poruke: 1902
  • Pol: Muškarac
    • trenutno bezimen
  • Brod tip: samogradnja-Ika design-zetovo vlasništvo
  • Marina: Tisa-9km,desna obala,šesta vrba od mosta
  • Veličina: 6,5m
Odg: motori "force"
« Odgovor #3 poslato: 16, 03, 2010, 10:52:23 pre podne »
Pošto je uvežen iz kanade normalno je da moramo zameniti impeler i uraditi pregled kako bi bili sigurni u pouzdanost istog.Više me interesuje za ubuduće da nebi tražio majstora kad već bude kasno. Sad mi je impeler najbitniji da ga zamenim pre sezone.Ako neko zna gde bi mogao da se nabavi nek javi

Van mreže STG

  • Drekavac sa Srednjih voda
  • ********
  • Poruke: 2739
  • Pol: Muškarac
Odg: motori "force"
« Odgovor #4 poslato: 16, 03, 2010, 21:47:46 posle podne »
Da vam posaljem broj telefona coveka koji se bavi time?odlican je

Van mreže IKA

  • Tisa
  • Kapitalac Dunavski
  • *******
  • Poruke: 1902
  • Pol: Muškarac
    • trenutno bezimen
  • Brod tip: samogradnja-Ika design-zetovo vlasništvo
  • Marina: Tisa-9km,desna obala,šesta vrba od mosta
  • Veličina: 6,5m
Odg: motori "force"
« Odgovor #5 poslato: 16, 03, 2010, 22:41:16 posle podne »
goranče šalji pod hitno

Van mreže STG

  • Drekavac sa Srednjih voda
  • ********
  • Poruke: 2739
  • Pol: Muškarac
Odg: motori "force"
« Odgovor #6 poslato: 17, 03, 2010, 07:19:38 pre podne »
Hm,pa svako bi morao da zna kako se menja impeler,glupo je da bude drugacije.
Naravno,procedura nije nikakva nauka i svako to moze lako da "savlada".
Sto se broja telefona tice,Odiseju ide pp,ipak ne bih ostavljao broj siroj javnosti bez pitanja doticnog...

Van mreže IKA

  • Tisa
  • Kapitalac Dunavski
  • *******
  • Poruke: 1902
  • Pol: Muškarac
    • trenutno bezimen
  • Brod tip: samogradnja-Ika design-zetovo vlasništvo
  • Marina: Tisa-9km,desna obala,šesta vrba od mosta
  • Veličina: 6,5m
Odg: motori "force"
« Odgovor #7 poslato: 17, 03, 2010, 11:08:02 pre podne »
u pravu si gorance nije problem zameniti koliki je problem nabaviti, zato tražim majstora koji možda zna koji impeler odgovara ako nema originalni