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Тражио сам на нету, нисам успео наћи. Можда неко овде и има неку идеју где се могу наћи линије за тип рибарског брода "midwater longliner" ? хвала!
Deck Type - Decked vessels.Overview - Midwater longliner are generally medium sized vessels operating worldwide and purpose built to catch large pelagics. The line hauler is usually placed on the star-board side forward and a gate in the rail is provided to haul in the fish. A baiting table and a chute are located on the stern, from where the lines are set. The basic requirements of this type of vessels are:adequate speed to reach far away fish.ing grounds,enough endurance to conduct continued fishi.ng in distant oceans,facility for very efficient freezing storage to keep the highly valued catch,suitable machineries to shoot and haul up longlines quickly and proper storage facilities for keeping the fishi.ng gears and accessories.Deck Arrangement - The wheelhouse can be situated aft or forward, but on larger vessels the bridge is generally placed aft. In typical arrangements the gear is hauled from the bow or from the side with a mechanical or hydraulic line hauler and the lines are set over the stern. To avoid incidental catches of seabirds outboard setting funnel are installed on longliners. This funnel guides the line from the setting position on the stern down to 1-2 m depth.Catch Handling and Processing Equipment - Freezing.EquipmentDeck Equipment - In general the longline systems consists of rail roller, dehooker and hook cleaner, line hauler, hook separator, storage rack or drum. Different types of baiting machines makes the operation more efficient. Brine freezing tanks are typical equipment for midwater longliner.Fish Detection Equipment - More important as echosounders are temperature sensors in midwater longlining.Fishing Gear - Midwater longlines.
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